Recently Passed Board Motions 2024

September 17, 2024

Motion (Torres) Passed: Approval of COPE’s recommended endorsement of Yasmine-Imani McMorrin, candidate to Culver City Council.

Motion (Torres) Passed: Approval of COPE’s recommended contribution amounts to the 13 candidates specified below for their 2024 general election campaign.

Motion (Galvez) Passed: to establish the Latine/a/o Caucus within the AFT 1521. The caucus will serve as a community space in the faculty guild focusing on Labor and Social Justice issues that impact Latin American/Chicano-origin faculty, students, and community.


August 20, 2024

Motion (Torres) Passed: To approve the COPE committed recommended endorsement of Dr. Nyree Berry, Candidate for the El Camino College Trustee District Area 4 and make a $500 donation.

Motion (Torres) Passed: To approve the COPE Committee recommended resolution in support of AB 2586, “Opportunity for All” (Alvarez).

Motion (Torres) Passed: To approve COPE’s unanimously recommended LACCD 2024 Campaign Projected Expense Budget in the amount of $520,000.

Motion (McKeever) Tabled: To have August , October, December, February, April, and June Executive Board meetings to be face-to-face and others online. Meetings to be rotated between campuses.

Motion (Marzillier) Passed: To sponsor the California Alliance for Retirement American’s Regional Convention in Santa Clarita on September 16th at the Gold Sponsorship level of $5,000.

Motion (Elarton-Selig) Passed: For meetings conducted via zoom, all votes will be conducted using a Green hands up reaction for a Yes vote, and using a Red hands up reaction for a No vote. The meeting Chairperson, at the close of voting, will state the outcome of the vote. If any member wishes to challenge the chair, they shall use the procedures provided in Sturgis rules of order.

Motion (Christian-Brougham) Passed: Motion to approve $5,600 for Pat Allen memorial luncheon. This will include entertainment for the event.


May 21, 2024

Motion (Torres) Passed: To approve the COPE Committee recommended endorsement of Isabel Jurado, City Council candidate in district 14th and contribute $1,800 ($900 and $900) towards her primary campaign and the November general election.

Motion (Torres) Passed: To approve the COPE Committee recommended resolution in support of AB 886.

Motion (Torres) Passed: To approve the COPE Committee recommended endorsements of the four Board of Trustees incumbent candidates. Nichelle Henderson, Andra Hoffman, Kelsy Ino and David Vela.

Motion (Behlendorf) Passed: To approve the 2024-2025 Budget.


April 16th, 2024

Motion (Torres) Tabled: Approve the COPE Committee recommended endorsements of the four Board of Trustees incumbent candidates.  Nichelle Henderson, Andra Hoffman, Kelsey Ino and David Vela.

Motion (McKeever) Passed: To approve the expenditure of $9,000 to sponsor one full-time UCLA Dream Center Fellow for the 2024 summer program.

Motion (Bass, Klyng) Passed: To create a DL Caucus.

Motion (McKeever) Passed: To approve the Executive Committee & Executive Board meeting dates for June 2024 – May 2025

Motion (Cofer) Passed: to approve $3,000 for the May 11 JFK Awards, 15 VIP seats at $200. Each College and the Emeritus may have one representative from COPE and the additional 5 seats will be for our student interns.

Motion (Cofer) Passed: to approve additional $500 contribution to Tina McKinnor for Assembly. We have already approved an Assembly Member level contribution. The additional amount is to be co-host at an upcoming event for her. She chairs the Public Employee/Retirement Committee in the Assembly.

Motion (Cofer) Passed: to approve $2,500 for Lola Smallwood Cuevas 2026. Yvonne Wheeler, chair of the County Federation of Labor is hosting a reception for Senator Smallwood Cuevas in recognition of her being named Chair of the Senate Labor Committee. Senator Smallwood Cuevas also serves on the Senate Budget committee and is an outstanding representative for our area. This contribution is for her 2026 Election and lists AFT 1521 as a co-host for the event.