The Fight is Not Over!

Hi All,


Union Leadership has been working with District leadership around the clock to finish implementing the contract we ratified last year. While many of the things we won have been implemented, there are essential and outstanding provisions that, while we and the District agreed on, have yet to be resolved.

The Administration has been slow to move on things like cleanliness, pay differentials for dual-language and dual enrollment, adjunct ancillary pay, and safety.  These are things we bargained for – and won. As the District starts the new academic year, we want to make sure that promises made are promises kept.

We will share some of this unfinished business next Wednesday, September 18th, from 5 to 6:30 PM in our Member Room.  This meeting is crucial as we will discuss what still needs to be done and gather your experiences with the issues still pending. Your participation is vital to our progress.

After the member room, I will take what we’ve discussed to the next Board of Trustees meeting.

Last, please help us serve you better by sharing what you think our Guild is doing well and what you think we need to improve with the Member Survey and sign up for the Financial Wellness Conference on the 20th!

In Unity,

A. James McKeever PhD

President, AFT 1521 Faculty Guild