Wednesday Win

Hi All,

During times like these, we see our communities, students, and faculty positions under attack, and we remember the strength we have in organizing and being part of a larger union movement. AFT 1521 is committed to protecting the rights of all students to get a quality education at an affordable cost. We will continue to fight for faculty rights and jobs.

This March 4th, we will be marching on the State Capitol as the second annual March in March. We will fly to Sacramento that day for a march and rally supporting higher education. We will march for students’ access to low-cost education, faculty rights, and more. While we at AFT 1521 have taken the lead on this march, this coalition includes student groups, unions, and faculty groups up and down the State. Last year, we sent nearly 160 students and 20 faculty members to participate in the march.

If you would like to march with us on March 4th, please use the following link to sign up REGISTER HERE . We have reserved a limited number of flights for our members or students at no cost, and you will be accepted on a first-comefirst-come basis. Thank you for your continued support and all your work for our students. Although it may appear dark times, our unity and love of our students will lead our community back into the light.

In Unity,

A. James McKeever PhD

President, AFT 1521 Faculty Guild

3356 Barham Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90068
