Coalition Building and Supporting AdFac – March 15th, 2023

Hi All,

Yesterday, Sharon Hendricks and I joined over fifty faculty and supporters who made it through pouring rain to Anaheim to support Adjunct Faculty United (AdFac). We attended the North Orange County Community College District (NOCCCD) Board of Trustees meeting to support AdFac’s fight for adjunct faculty healthcare. I joined speakers Jeff Frietas (CFT President), Seija Rokhea (AdFac President), and others articulating the need for adjunct faculty healthcare. As our union approaches an agreement to get our adjuncts affordable healthcare, we must remember this is just the beginning of a long fight. Healthcare is a human right that should be accessible to everyone, not just those lucky enough to afford it. If we can’t guarantee healthcare to our adjunct faculty, how can we hope to get it for our students and communities? This is the first step in a long fight for this human right.

Coalition building is part of the agenda I ran on. When we are in solidarity with all our union family, we have greater power to flex our political muscles in the district, county, and state, helping us better respond to state legislation and putting us in a position to shape it. I look forward to our continued work with the CFT and AdFac.

In Unity,

A. James McKeever PhD

AFT 1521 Faculty Guild President