Importance of CFT – November 30th, 2022

Hi All,

For today’s Wednesday Win, I want to talk about the importance of our voice and participation in the California Federation of Teachers (CFT). The CFT has been an influential voice in support of students and faculty. They have had a significant recent victory by securing over 200 million in state funds for adjunct healthcare. We are the state’s largest community college union, and our representation in the CFT is essential. The CFT will hold its conference in San Francisco from March 17th through the 19th, 2023. We can have up to 100 delegates attend. We provide funding for 20 delegates chosen by the members through an election. If you would like to nominate yourself as a delegate for the election, click here to fill out the form and email it to before Thursday, December 8th, at 5:00 PM. You can help get community college voices heard.

Last, we will be holding our first “State of Our Union” town hall this Monday, December 5th, at 4:00 PM. This meeting is open to all members.


Please use the link below to RSVP:

I look forward to seeing you there, updating you on union activity, and answering your questions.


In Unity,

A. James McKeever PhD

AFT 1521 Faculty Guild President